Directory of Animal Shelters in St. Peters, MO

Looking for a new pet? Please consider adopting a new dog or puppy from an animal shelter in St. Peters. You’ll find information on all of the animal shelters, humane societies, and rescue groups we’ve partnered with in St. Peters below. Coming from out of town? Get a discounted rate on pet friendly hotels in St. Peters.

Pet Friendly Five Acres Animal Shelter
Five Acres Animal Shelter Five Acres Animal Shelter is a rescue organization in St. Charles, MO. The shelter believes in the power of pets and seeks to enrich the lives of animals and their owners. Their mission is to end pet homelessness, promote responsible pet ownership, and advocate for animal welfare. See Details
Pet Friendly City of Saint Charles Animal Shelter
City of Saint Charles Animal Shelter The City of Saint Charles Animal Shelter saves, protects and enriches the lives of animals in and around St. Charles, MO. They provide adoption services and veterinary care for animals in need, and they host a variety of pet events and fundraisers throughout the year. See Details
St. Peters, MO, US