Directory of Dog Trainers in Long Beach, BC

Here are the dog trainers closest to Long Beach.

Pet Friendly K9 Coaches
K9 Coaches K9 Coaches is a reward-based dog-training service. We conduct private behavioral consultations and private training sessions. We believe the most effective way to train your dog is through a healthy relationship built on clear communication, knowledge and trust.

K9 Coaches believe that training should be both human-friendly and dog-friendly. The most effective training happens when the human learns how to be a consistent positive leader. Positive training brings out the best in you and your dog.

K9 Coaches give you the tools to teach your dog basic commands, learn how to reinforce desirable behaviors, discourage and redirect inappropriate ones, and learn when and how to set limits. Training your dog strengthens the bond between you and your dog, and a well-mannered dog has more freedom.

K9 Coaches will help you achieve the training level you desire, whether your goal is competition or just a family companion, K9 Coaches have the knowledge, experience and skills to help you reach your goal.

K9 Coaches believe that quality training should be affordable and fun for ALL pet owners. Don't just be a spectator in your dogs life, be a team player!
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Pet Friendly Go Dog Go! Dog Training
Go Dog Go! Dog Training Go Dog Go! Dog Training provides practical, positive programs through its certified BCSPCA Animalkind trainer in Black Creek, BC. Enjoy hassle-free, at-home solutions in Campbell River, Comox Valley and Port Hardy on Vancouver Island. Foster a joyful bond of trust and fun with your dog through their unique programs. See Details
Canine Conduct Training Solutions More than just dog obedience – Canine Conduct aims to open the lines of communication between dogs and their people to create a positive relationship. See Details
Long Beach, BC, CA