Directory of Pet Sitters & Dog Walkers in Lebanon, CT

Think you might need a pet sitter or dog walker when you’re in Lebanon? You’ll find information on all of our recommended pet sitters and dog walkers in Lebanon below. Coming from out of town? Get a discounted rate on pet friendly hotels in Lebanon.

Pet Friendly Pawsibilities Pet Services
Pawsibilities Pet Services We offer pet sitting and overnight care for your beloved furry friends. We will treat your pets like family so that you can be away from home without having to worry.

So don't bring your furry "kids" to a kennel. Have them cared for in the comforts of your home so that you can be more at ease, no matter how long you are away.
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Pet Friendly Earthdog Pet Sitting
Earthdog Pet Sitting Earthdog Petsitting WHERE YOUR PET IS HOME SAFE & SECURE Serving the Ct. towns of: Essex, Ivoryton, Chester, Clinton, Centerbrook, Westbrook, Old Saybrook, Killingworth, & Deep River. See Details
Tail Wagging Pet Sitting Services Offered: •Mid-day dog walking - excellent for puppies and geriatric pets or dogs of any age •Playtime for your pet •Several visits per day while you're on vacation •Litter box scooped daily if needed •Administration of medications, if needed •Customary routine and diet •Medical attention in the event of illness •Collecting mail and newspapers See Details
Beauty Bark of Essex At Beauty Bark of Essex, we offer professional pet sitting, dog walking and house sitting services to residents of Essex, CT and the surrounding area. See Details
Trail Rompers Trail Rompers offer pet sitting in your home. They also provide leash romps for friendly dogs to play and socialize at local parks and trails. See Details
Lebanon, CT, US