Dogs are permitted in the campground and developed areas of Dorst Creek Campground, but they're not allowed on park trails. Pets must be leashed and cannot be left unattended.
Dorst Creek Campground is in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks in central California. It takes about one hour to drive the 29 miles from the Sequoia park entrance on Highway 198 to the campground, which lies 10 miles from the Giant Forest sequoia grove at an elevation of 6700 feet. A maximum of 6 people are allowed at each site. Amenities include flush toilets, RV water-filling station, summer ranger programs, and a pay phone. It is 8 miles from Lodgepole Village, which in summer offers a visitor center, market, deli, snack bar, gift shop, post office, showers, and laundry. The entrance fee for Sequoia and Kings Canyon is $20 for 1-7 days.
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