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Thompson's Station, TN, US
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Directory of Animal Shelters in Thompson's Station, TN
Looking for a new pet? Please consider adopting a new dog or puppy from an animal shelter in Thompson's Station. You’ll find information on all of the animal shelters, humane societies, and rescue groups we’ve partnered with in Thompson's Station below. Coming from out of town? Get a discounted rate on pet friendly hotels in Thompson's Station .
Williamson County Animal Control and Adoption Center
The Williamson County Animal Center is a public open-intake shelter serving the citizens of Williamson County, Tennessee. Their goal is to increase the save rate, find a good home for every adoptable pet, slow pet population growth, end animal neglect and abuse and be a positive force in the community.
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Metro Animal Care and Control
Metro Animal Care and Control is committed to the delivery of humane and responsive animal care and control services to and for the residents and animals of Nashville-Davidson County. They have animals available for adoption every day. If you are looking to add an awesome animal to your family, MACC is the right place to find your new furry friend. We have been matching pets with people for many years, and when you visit, our staff and volunteers will work with you to try to find your perfect loyal companion.
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search[item] != defaultSearch[item]).map(item => persistentDataParamMap[item] + '=' + encodeURIComponent(search[item]))))).concat(coordinates != null ? ['latitude=' + coordinates.latitude + '&longitude=' + coordinates.longitude] : []).concat(page > 1 ? ['page=' + page] : []).concat(['refresh=' + resultsListRefreshCount]).join('&')" items="." single-item="true" width="auto" height="800" layout="fixed-height" load-more="manual" load-more-bookmark="nextPage" binding="always" reset-on-refresh="fetch" [is-layout-container]="searchIsModified" noloading [hidden]="!shouldShowNextPage && !searchIsModified" i-amphtml-layout="fixed-height" hidden="hidden">
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searchForm[item] != defaultSearch[item]).map(item => persistentDataParamMap[item] + '=' + encodeURIComponent(searchForm[item]))))).concat(searchFormCoordinates != null ? ['latitude=' + searchFormCoordinates.latitude + '&longitude=' + searchFormCoordinates.longitude] : []).concat(['refresh=' + resultsListRefreshCount]).join('&')" width="auto" height="48" layout="fixed-height" items="." single-item="true" binding="no" [hidden]="!searchFormIsModified && !searchIsModified" i-amphtml-layout="fixed-height" hidden="hidden">
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$ USD search[item] != defaultSearch[item]).map(item => persistentDataParamMap[item] + '=' + encodeURIComponent(search[item])).concat(coordinates != null ? ['latitude=' + coordinates.latitude + '&longitude=' + coordinates.longitude] : []).concat(['currency=AUD']).join('&')].reduce((x, y) => y ? x + y : '')">$ AUD — Australian dollar search[item] != defaultSearch[item]).map(item => persistentDataParamMap[item] + '=' + encodeURIComponent(search[item])).concat(coordinates != null ? ['latitude=' + coordinates.latitude + '&longitude=' + coordinates.longitude] : []).concat(['currency=CAD']).join('&')].reduce((x, y) => y ? x + y : '')">$ CAD — Canadian dollar search[item] != defaultSearch[item]).map(item => persistentDataParamMap[item] + '=' + encodeURIComponent(search[item])).concat(coordinates != null ? ['latitude=' + coordinates.latitude + '&longitude=' + coordinates.longitude] : []).concat(['currency=EUR']).join('&')].reduce((x, y) => y ? x + y : '')">€ EUR — Euro search[item] != defaultSearch[item]).map(item => persistentDataParamMap[item] + '=' + encodeURIComponent(search[item])).concat(coordinates != null ? ['latitude=' + coordinates.latitude + '&longitude=' + coordinates.longitude] : []).concat(['currency=GBP']).join('&')].reduce((x, y) => y ? x + y : '')">£ GBP — Pound sterling search[item] != defaultSearch[item]).map(item => persistentDataParamMap[item] + '=' + encodeURIComponent(search[item])).concat(coordinates != null ? ['latitude=' + coordinates.latitude + '&longitude=' + coordinates.longitude] : []).concat(['currency=INR']).join('&')].reduce((x, y) => y ? x + y : '')">₹ INR — Indian rupee search[item] != defaultSearch[item]).map(item => persistentDataParamMap[item] + '=' + encodeURIComponent(search[item])).concat(coordinates != null ? ['latitude=' + coordinates.latitude + '&longitude=' + coordinates.longitude] : []).concat(['currency=JPY']).join('&')].reduce((x, y) => y ? x + y : '')">¥ JPY — Japanese yen search[item] != defaultSearch[item]).map(item => persistentDataParamMap[item] + '=' + encodeURIComponent(search[item])).concat(coordinates != null ? ['latitude=' + coordinates.latitude + '&longitude=' + coordinates.longitude] : []).concat(['currency=MXN']).join('&')].reduce((x, y) => y ? x + y : '')">$ MXN — Mexican peso search[item] != defaultSearch[item]).map(item => persistentDataParamMap[item] + '=' + encodeURIComponent(search[item])).concat(coordinates != null ? ['latitude=' + coordinates.latitude + '&longitude=' + coordinates.longitude] : []).concat(['currency=NZD']).join('&')].reduce((x, y) => y ? x + y : '')">$ NZD — New Zealand dollar search[item] != defaultSearch[item]).map(item => persistentDataParamMap[item] + '=' + encodeURIComponent(search[item])).concat(coordinates != null ? ['latitude=' + coordinates.latitude + '&longitude=' + coordinates.longitude] : []).concat(['currency=SGD']).join('&')].reduce((x, y) => y ? x + y : '')">$ SGD — Singapore dollar search[item] != defaultSearch[item]).map(item => persistentDataParamMap[item] + '=' + encodeURIComponent(search[item])).concat(coordinates != null ? ['latitude=' + coordinates.latitude + '&longitude=' + coordinates.longitude] : []).concat(['currency=USD']).join('&')].reduce((x, y) => y ? x + y : '')">$ USD — United States dollar
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Thompson's Station, TN, US