Directory of Pet Sitters & Dog Walkers in Coffeyville, KS

Here are the pet sitters & dog walkers closest to Coffeyville.

Pet Friendly Carbondale Pet Services
Carbondale Pet Services Pet sitting available for one or more days. I also offer yard cleanups, pest control and can take care of livestock and exotic pets. See Details
Pet Friendly Sit and Stay Tulsa Pet Sitting
Sit and Stay Tulsa Pet Sitting Vacation pet sitting, Daily dog walking, And much more

Bonded and insured
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Sit Stay Play Are you… A Dog, Cat or any other household Pet? Looking for a dog walker or pet sitter while your human is out of town? In need of some fun time outside while your master is bringing home the bacon!!? Look no further! Sit Stay Play is here to help! We offer…

Dog Walks; Vacation Visits; and Cat Visits.

Our experienced and professional dog walkers stop by to take your pup out for a 15, 30, 45, or even an hour long walk to get them the exercise they’ve been craving! Our loving pet sitters offer visits to your home throughout the day to keep your pets on their regular schedule and in their home where they feel most comfortable. We can come 1-4 times/day while you are out of town. Of course we take care of cats too! This service is a 20-30 minute visit for our feline friends. It includes food and water refills, litter box cleaning, and lots of playtime with their favorite toys.

Check out our Services page to get all the details! Our dog walkers and pet sitters are Licensed, Bonded, and Insured. Heard enough? Do our Dog Walkers and Pet Sitters Sound Right for You?
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Tulsa Pet Care I am punctual, friendly and professional. Guaranteed. If you need personal, loving care for your pet and don’t want to put them through the stress of a kennel let me know. I can help! I love animals to the point that, frankly, it freaks people out sometimes and, as I do a lot of rescuing, I am quite familiar with dealing with problem ‘children.’ I am loving, but firm. I will do better quality work for cheaper than anyone because I truly love to do it. It is my passion. Taking care of animals is the only other job I love doing besides writing. I have a degrees in journalism and business. I cannot tolerate desk jobs. I believe that corrections should be made with body language and a stern voice, but I also believe that once the correction is made there should always be praise. I use treats sometimes, but I do not need them. Animals bond with me because I understand them and I treat them with respect and a ridiculous amount of love. I am capable of dealing with anything an animal could possibly throw at me in a calm and mature manner. I do not get mad at my animals and if they do make me mad I do not show it. I am excellent at studying animal behavior and predicting what they need and how they will react as well as why they are acting the way that they are. I can recognize most major illnesses, irritations, allergies etc. and can administer medicine both orally and through syringe. I have every confidence that you would feel at ease leaving your furry family member in my care. See Details
"The Pet Sitters" Professional Pet Sitting If you are visiting the area and have pets not sure what to do with your family friends while you are visiting call us we can help! Perhaps you are visiting Grand Lake and its too hot to take the pups or trying out one of the many casinos in the area we can stop in to give your pets for a let out and feedings and love! 11 Years Experience in the Professional Pet Sitting Industry Being animal lovers we know your pets are family,we offer personalized, pet care to meet your pets needs.

​With our services we come to your home making routine, scheduled visits once, twice or three times daily depending on your pets needs.This allows your pets a stress free separation, and they are in the comforts of home. Safe and germ free.

​We talk to your pets, walk your dogs, provide stimulating play and litter box cleanings.

Your pets get the care they deserve with a loving pet sitter that will keep them happy and content!
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Coffeyville, KS, US