Dog Events in Springdale, AR

Here are the pet friendly events closest to Springdale. Use the links below to get details on each event, print directions, look at pictures, and even read reviews of last year’s event.

Pet Friendly Mardi Gras Night Parade
Mardi Gras Night Parade If your pup is leashed and doesn't mind loud noise and crowds, bring him along to this annual tradition! This dazzling celebration is filled with colorful floats, festive costumes and stunning lights. As the sun sets, the streets of Eureka Springs will come alive with a vibrant procession, bringing the spirit of Mardi Gras to life. See Details
Pet Friendly Dog Swim
Dog Swim Bring your furry friend for an evening of swimming, barking and scampering around the pool! All dogs must be 4 months or older and have proof of vaccination record from a licensed veterinarian for Rabies, Parvo, Distemper and Bordetella. See Details
Springdale, AR, US