Small dogs are allowed at Pleasant Acres Farm Campground, but they must be kept under control and on a leash when outside your vehicle. Excessive barking is not permitted. Pets must always be cleaned up after and must be handled by someone who is capable of controlling and cleaning up after them. Pets are not permitted in the pavilion or any other campground building. Pets are not permitted in the lake. No pets are to be left unattended. A dog exercise area is provided near the playground. For more information on pet restrictions, please call (973) 875-4166.
Pleasant Acres Farm Campground offers your family a rare opportunity to experience all of nature, up close and at its finest. The views within New Jersey's Kittatinny Mountains are outstanding, the air is clean, the waters pristine, and the farm animals are plentiful and friendly! Pleasant Acres Farm Campground offers a truly unique family camping experience, where young campers (and old!) can get a feel for a true farm experience, with everything from cow milking to sheep shearing to pig chases to real horse-drawn hayrides. Their rural setting offers you over 300 acres in which to escape from the hustle and bustle of the workaday world. They have 300 grassy or shaded RV sites w/full hookups, free hot showers, a laundromat, convenience store, clean restrooms, snack bar, game room, and much more!
Pet Friendly
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Pleasant Acres Farm Campground has received a rating of 4.0 out of 5 by
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