Off-Leash Dog Parks in Wilmington, NC

There are 4 off-leash dog parks in Wilmington. Use the links below to get an overview of each one, see pictures, print directions, and even read reviews from other dog owners. Coming from out of town? Get a discounted rate on pet friendly hotels in Wilmington.

Pet Friendly Dog Park at Empie Park
Dog Park at Empie Park Fido will love visiting the dog park at Empie Park in Wilmington, NC. This park features a 2-acre off-leash green space for your pup to play and socialize. It's completely fenced with two play areas - one for large dogs, and another for dogs under 20 pounds. There's also water, pet waste stations, and lots of shade. See Details
Pet Friendly Dog Park at Ogden Park
Dog Park at Ogden Park Fido is invited to play at the dog park at Ogden Park in Wilmington, NC. This off-leash park is fully fenced and features two separate areas: one for large dogs and another for small dogs. You’ll find the dog park on the far side of the pond, next to the basketball court. A walking path will lead you to it. See Details
Dog Park at Long Leaf Park Fido will love visiting the dog park at Long Leaf Park in Wilmington, NC. This dog park features separate areas for small and large dogs, picnic tables and shaded areas. See Details
Gurney Hood Dog Park Fido will love a trip to the Gurney Hood Dog Park in Kure Beach, NC. Bring your pet to play off-leash at this fenced dog park, which includes separate small and large dog areas, doggie drinking fountains, and Frisbees. See Details
Salty Dog Park Fido can exercise and socialize at Salty Dog Park in Southport, NC. This fenced park is a great place for your pup to enjoy time off the leash. Please provide your own dog bowl and water. See Details
Wilmington, NC, US