
Member since January 2021

Reviews Bone icon(2)

Not good

Yosemite Inn

Not good.

Jul. 17, 2021

Changed my opinion about motels.

Motel 6 El Centro CA

As a traveling PA, I have had many opportunities to stay at hotels during the past few years.

Overall, my experience has soured me of the entire hotel industry, namely long check-in procedures, foul smelling rooms, grumpy front desk staff, etc. But my biggest complaint concerns the way I am treated because I travel with my dogs. I have seen the infamous bait-and-switch, where a room is listed for $50, then when you arrive, there is a $20 charge for each dog, which after taxes usually brings the charge to over $100. As a result of this questionable practice, I made the decision to purchase an RV and sleep in it the majority of the time. However, I occasionally need to recharge by taking a shower and relaxing.

I was recently deployed to El Centro California to assist with the COVID surge. After a week
in the RV, I hesitantly reserved a room at the El Centro Motel 6. I expected the usual course
of ridiculous pet charges, overly long check-in procedures, grumpy staff, etc. However, I am here to report that my stay last night has changed my opinion completely. My experience was nothing short of ideal. The manager last night was friendly, the check-in process quick and painless, the room was clean and quiet. But most importantly, there was no bait-and-switch pet charges, and no hassling me about my pets upon check-in.

I plan to stay at Motel 6 again, and just wanted to say that Motel 6 is the one company
that has decided to stop this insane practice of discriminating against pet owners. They have a loyal new customer now.

David M. Cain, PA-C

Jan. 14, 2021

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